There is a deep connection between being stressed and our quality of sleep. Stress affects every system to the body, and getting deep restorative sleep helps the body reset. Restorative sleep enhances mood, cognition, metabolism, digestion, hormonal health, cardiovascular health and even your creativity. Not getting deep restorative sleep directly contributes to dis-ease. We all naturally have several sleep cycles throughout the night, and the deepest phase of sleep occurs right before we awake. Sleep is something we all we designed to be able to achieve. Everyone can achieve restorative sleep with natural sleep support. The naturopathic approach offers a truly holistic approach to sleep.
My Naturopathic Approach:
- Minerals such as calcium, magnesium and vitamin C can have a relaxing and calming effect on the body. Generally, these supplements are taken throughout the day. Each person’s requirements can be different depending upon age, medical conditions, and health issues.
- Melatonin is a hormone, and naturally occurs in the body, produced by pineal gland and can be referred to as a ”hormone of darkness”, more occurs during darkness. Melatonin helps induce and regulate sleep, numerous studies suggest its benefits and safety, even for children, and lack of side effects. Melatonin helps re-set biological clock, and helpful for irregular sleep-wake patterns. As we age, our melatonin declines.
- B vitamins- can be used, especially B3, B6, B12 to help improve dream recall and wake rhythm cycle. Especially useful with stress, fatigue, depression anxiety.
- herbs-chamomile, passionflower, valerian, milky oat seed, and skullcap-very tolerable and a nice combination for nourishing the nervous system-or passion valerian and skullcap You can buy herbal tinctures or homeopathic products with these ingredients. These herbs can also be found in tincture or tea form and are considered nervines. And can gently nourish the body back to balance. (Nervous system support).
- Calming amino acids can also be of benefit. Such as GABA, 5-htp, l-theanine. Everyone should have a naturopathic specific to their needs.