Allergies Overview
Allergies can have many presentations, headaches, mouth ulcers, joint pain, fatigue, eczema, brain fog, digestive issues, sinusitis, even weight gain, not just the typical runny nose, itchy eyes and sore throat. Naturopathically allergies suggest over reactive immune system and break down of immunity. This can be due to many factors, family history, food reactions, hormonal imbalances, digestive issues, auto-immune diseases and even stress can exacerbate allergies. Many people who have had Covid or other viruses are left with post-nasal drip. Climate change and a warmer environment mean a longer allergy season. There is also a rise in household mold. We know eating junk food 3x a week is associated with an increase in allergies.
Overall, there are many types of allergies which promote antibody reactions in theMy perspective on allergies is that they represent an overstimulation and breakdown of our immune system. The system is on overload. Here are a few ways to intervene and naturally support your health.
The 4 R Naturopathic Model for Allergies and Immune Health
1. Remove Offenders- Eating an anti-inflammatory plant-based diet is essential. Focus on more alkaline foods. Avoid dairy, wheat, soy, and other known food reactions. It is essential to identify triggers-consider a hypo-allergenic diet or my nutritional cleanse program, and minimize food toxins and home chemicals and pollutants, also consider food sensitivity testing. Decrease the toxic overload and decrease inflammation with food. Do a spring 3-day or 30 day cleanse, email me for a 2022 plan.
2. Replace Missing Nutrients-nutrients for allergies include antioxidants, systematic enzymes, and flax/fish oils-consider micronutrient testing. Begin with nutrient dense foods we know low vitamins A, C, E, Zinc, Selenium, and magnesium, and fatty acids to be associated with allergies. Other nutrients essential for allergies include flavonoids, folate and systematic enzymes.
3. Repair Damage-Focus on healing the inflammatory response in the system presenting issues. For example, if it is skin is reactive use nettles. I also love NAC, Quercetin, Andrographis, Astragalus, and many homeopathics on my on-line store Wellevate. Check out the new list of my favorite products soon.
4.Re-inoculate the Microbiome- probiotics and prebiotics (good bacteria-probiotics are a form of fiber that lives in gut and helps good bacteria) food examples of probiotics include dandelion greens, garlic, chicory root, Jerusalem artichoke). Ultimately a good gut ecology makes for less inflammation. Remember everyone’s needs are unique and a customized Naturopathic Plan would be important.