The Nutritional Cleanse
Jump start your new year with a revitalizing cleanse. Learn the art of eating a clean diet for your personal needs. You will learn all the basics to successfully using a cleanse to improve your health. You will assess what is the best program for you; 3 day food based cleanse, 7 day liver cleanse, or 21 or 30 day Nutritional Cleanse. You will leave with a personal food and natural support plan. The Nutritional Cleanse Guide, and Healthy Living Cookbook by Dr. Lynn will be available to purchase for the program.
January 16th 3-5 pm Nutritional Cleanse Program
FREE Q and A meeting January 16th 2:30
*purchase both and pdf Nutritional cleanse guide included* classes held at
January 9th Saturday 1-3 pm
The Restorative clinic offers a gentle and deep practice to balance the meridians in the body and renew energy. We will also be exploring breathing techniques (Pranayama) this month. Gentle adaptable poses are held for 3-5 minutes. Variations are offered for all levels, from the beginner to the advanced student. 25.00
Lynn W. Feinman, MA, ND, completed a doctorate in naturopathy from Clayton College of Health and maintains a private practice offering naturopathic health coaching programs integrating the three pillars of health: optimal nourishment, mind/body practice, and essential transformation. Additional trainings include a Master’s in Dance Therapy, And certification in thai vedic bodywork. She is passionate about holistic health