Healing your Gut
Healthy digestion is a fundamental foundation for good health. When the process of digestion is compromised, it often affects not just your gut, but also your immune, hormonal and nervous systems. Even if you eat a healthy diet, you may have impaired nutrient absorption and energy production that can lead to the development of inflammation and allergies. Utilize the Naturopathic 4 R model gut cleanse program to resolve your digestion issues. Takeaway top naturopathic principles for digestive health. “The Foundational Cooking for Optimal Health Cookbook” by Dr. Lynn Feinman available for purchase.
Building Natural Immunity
NEW Identify the fundamental principles that weaken our immunity. Learn effective tools and techniques of naturopathy: food, nutrition and therapeutic approaches that strengthen immunity. Explore the naturopathic interventions to protect and enhance immunity. Takeaway the top 10 Step Naturopathic Immune Building protocol.