Recent published studies suggest a specific viral protocol to intervene as both prevention and intervention. I am reading several interesting books about pandemics. Clearly food remains the foundation for optimal health, but I believe we need to have additional strategies in place for a vital immune system.
Of importance is the fact, in regards to COVID-19 there seems to be two phases to the virus. During the first phase, your innate immune system responds, immune support such as vitamins A, C, and D are all important. Specifically, oral doses of vitamin C can achieve similar rapid increase in plasma concentration as Infusions. Correcting any deficiencies before the onset of a virus is essential. Additional prevention strategies include melatonin, zinc and iodine. During the second phase, pro-inflammatory response, your immune system is in “rapid-fire”phase, natural anti-inflammatories are helpful here. Preferably, natural ones. Flavonoids and curcumin are examples of this. The second phase is a time I believe therapeutic doses might be beneficial. Also during the second phase Vitamin C can be used every few hours. I also believe homeopathy can be helpful to have on hand for specific individual reactions to this virus. I have a list of what I will be keeping on hand for family this winter. If you would like to learn more about my immune regulating support program or wish to read my Immune Building Support Guide, email me at