There are many kinds of viruses and they effect each of us differently. Naturopaths view these as the need for the body to cleanse, rest and reset the immune system. As soon as you feel under the weather it is essential to begin a cleansing diet. Focus on plant foods, warming soups, fresh juices, and teas. I also recommend a cleanse type diet, and lots of allium foods, plant foods, alkalizing and fermented foods to break up mucus along with saline rinses, steaming the sinuses, the Neti pot, and epsom salts baths to cleanse the sinuses and draw the cold out. You don’t want to suppress the natural need for the body to detoxify now. Additionally consider adding ginger and garlic to your daily food preparation. Check out my warming chai tea recipe in my cookbook. Additionally some of my favorite Naturopathic support includes Quercitin, Andrographis, Nettles, as well as homeopathics like Hydrastis and Kali Bichromium. Everyone needs a customized approach.
Lynn’s Natural Cough Syrup Super Easy!
equal parts of lemon, honey, apple cider vinegar and grated ginger root. You can also add in fresh turmeric root. I would do 1/4 cup of each. Take a few spoonfuls a few times a day, keep stored in the refrigerator. Also nice adding this to your favorite tea.
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